Wearing my Air Element necklace with white diamons which is the gemstone of light and symbolizes clarety and enlightment. Such a beautiful collection @ele4orcejewellery <3 on my stories, I’m sharing a link to my latest blog for @ele4orcejewellery, chatting DOSHA testing, fine jewellery, and career.
Therese Hoff-Hansen blog
– Introduction:
I have always had a big passion for traveling and have spent most of my teenage years on the road exploring different cultures and countries. I am all about self growth and mindfulness, and working towards enlightenment every day. With a big passion to learn all I can about this human experience we all are experiencing, as well as trying to impact other people’s lives in a positive way I am endlessly creating myself and can’t wait to see where this journey will take me.
– Tell us about your modelling journey
I started modeling when I was only 18 years old. At the beginning it was more just a side job to make some extra money whilst I was traveling, however after getting more experienced I realized it was something I really enjoyed and it has now been my main income and passion for the past 5 years.
I have always been creative at heart, I have always loved being behind the camera as well as in front of it. Writing was – and still is a big passion of mine, I love projects that make me FEEL something. Social media is another avenue where I can express myself happily. I can spend endless hours scrolling and saving things that inspire me and following other social media bloggers that give me creative inspiration.
– Which was your result from the DOSHA test?
I am a VATA.
Vata consists mostly of the two elements air and space (also known as ether) and is generally described as cold, light, dry, rough, flowing, and spacious. Autumn represents vata for its cool, crisp days.
Those with the vata dosha are usually described as slim, energetic, and creative. They’re known for thinking outside the box but can become easily distracted. What’s more, their mood is highly dependent on the weather, people around them, and foods they eat.
– How do you think it reflects your personality, do you see this element within yourself?
1000%. I am very into this area, I have studied and learned a lot about Ayurveda the past year, I am also a Vedic Meditator. Vata consists of the elements air and space, we are cold due to poor circulation, we have dry skin, we are flowing and spacious yet creative. We tend to get sudden bouts of fatigue and tiredness, we get easily distracted and are very dependent on a daily routine whilst needing a calm environment to avoid getting too anxious or overwhelmed.
I do struggle a lot with Vata Imbalance however I work on my physiology every day and try my best to stick to routines, eat warm and nourishing foods and be mindful. My routines include my daily meditation and breath work practices which help me stay calm and present. I also tend to avoid putting myself in stressful situations, and I have become very aware of my triggers within my life and have found these steps within my routine extremely helpful in managing this.
– What is your favourite item from Ele4orce and how does it make you feel each time you wear it?
As I am a Vata, I am wearing the Air Balance Sylph, and my favorite is the Anklet featuring 6 natural white diamonds. It’s simply stunning. Every time I look at it it reminds me to stay grounded and balanced. So powerful yet so simple.
– If you could give one piece of advice to someone looking to invest in their first high-end jewellery item, what would it be and why?
Find a piece of jewellery that makes you really feel something when you look at it, it is your first investment piece into yourself, make it really worth it for you. A reminder to yourself of something that you are working on or something that has a personal meaning to you.